学习是苦根,却能结出果 learning is a bitter root ,but it bears sweet fruit
奏效 prove effective; be successful; get the desired result 这药能立即奏效。 this medicine will have immediate efficiency
果实 1.(果子; 被子植物的具有果皮及种子的器官) fruit; fructification 果实累累 fruit growing in close clusters; fruit hanging heavy on the trees; 摘下树上的果实 strip the fruit from trees; 成熟的果实压弯了树枝。 the branches bent low with ripened fruits.2.(通过劳动或斗争所取得的成果) gains; fruits 劳动果实 fruits of labour; 我们保卫了我们的胜利果实。 we have defended the fruits of our victory.; 果实成熟期 fructescence; 果实含糖量 sugar content of fruit; 果实品质 fruit quality